testname [options] [testfunctions [: testdata] ] ...

Moving the other slots to public scope. QTest only seems to test the slots in private scope. Using qQwait, which allows other events to be handled, including the slot for the socket. QWait has the unfortunate side effect of making my unit tests unnecessarily long, as we have to 'guess' at a high enough interval to allow the other slots to process. In addition, the private slots initTestCase, cleanupTestCase, init and cleanup are executed if they exist” int QTest::qExec( QObject. testObject, int argc = 0, char. argv = nullptr) Remember that testing class was derived from QObject class, because qExec need a QObject pointer and env arguments if you supply. Note: You need to include the QTest header and declare the test functions as private slots so the test framework finds and executes it. Then you need to implement the test function itself. The implementation could look like this. I have found more convenient way to do this. First, all private methods should be private slots. Then you create an instance of the class: Foo a; Then we can use QMetaObject::invokeMethod to call any slot that method has (public or private). So if we want to call method Test, we can do it like this. That solves the problem since I don't have multiple connections to the same slot. PavelStrakhov did already give the same answer in his comment but I didn't get that 'unique' refers indeed to the connection (well, it's written there - I see) but thougt it's a 'unique (sole) slot' for the signal. – imix Aug 22 '14 at 11:54.

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[options] Will refer to later.
[testfunctions [: testdata] ]
Games Specify if you want to run some test methods. Format below.

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QtestQtest private slots online Method name: The name ※ If you do not enter the test pattern test pattern names are all variations of the test method specified.

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  • -help
    outputs the possible command line arguments and give some useful help.
  • -functions
    outputs all test functions available in the test.
  • -o filename
    write output to the specified file, rather than to standard output
  • -silent
    silent output, only shows warnings, failures and minimal status messages
  • -v1
    verbose output; outputs information on entering and exiting test functions.
  • -v2
    extended verbose output; also outputs each QCOMPARE () and QVERIFY ()
  • -vs
    outputs every signal that gets emitted
  • -xml
    outputs XML formatted results instead of plain text
  • -lightxml
    outputs results as a stream of XML tags
  • -eventdelay ms
    if no delay is specified for keyboard or mouse simulation (QTest:: keyClick (), QTest:: mouseClick () etc.), the value from this parameter (in milliseconds) is substituted.
  • -keydelay ms
    like-eventdelay, but only influences keyboard simulation and not mouse simulation.
  • -mousedelay ms
    like-eventdelay, but only influences mouse simulation and not keyboard simulation.
  • -keyevent-verbose
    output more verbose output for keyboard simulation
  • -maxwarnings numberBR sets the maximum number of warnings to output. 0 for unlimited, defaults to 2000.